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Stories from December 2008

Ready, Set, No-Go: Group Homes On Hold

Group homes across the country are being closed and plans for new residences are being halted in these bleak economic times. But amid all the glum news there is at least one bright spot.

December 29, 2008

Household In Peril: When Behaviors Become Too Much

Behavior problems are tough enough, but what about when behaviors become so out of control that one person's actions paralyze an entire household? That's the situation for one California family whose teen daughter literally has the run of the house because her parents are afraid of what will happen if they limit her.

December 29, 2008

A Brother’s Love: 12-Year-Old Cares For His Autistic Twin

Many twins share a unique bond, but a set of Florida twins -- one of whom has autism and the other who does not -- take that bond to a whole new level.

December 29, 2008

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State Funding Woes Put Future In Question

Ten bills signed into law in Colorado in June were meant to shake up the state's landscape for people with disabilities by increasing employment, reducing the waiting list for services and ensure oversight of caregivers. But what a difference six months makes.

December 29, 2008

For State Wards In Special Ed., Enter The IEP Proxy

Think you've got it rough at IEP meetings? Well, plenty of kids don't even have parents to attend such meetings on their behalf. Children who are wards of the state need educational surrogates to advocate for them in the special education process. And, at least in Missouri, the state is hiring.

December 29, 2008

Short On Options, Parents Increasingly Foot The Bill

If your child has autism and needs costly therapies or tools to cope with the world around them, get ready for a game of tug of war between two bureaucracies, neither of which want to foot the bill.

December 29, 2008

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Vanderbilt To Launch New College Program

For students with disabilities who are transitioning to adulthood, the options are increasing. A new program at Vanderbilt University will balance life skills training with traditional college courses.

December 29, 2008

Worries Among Parents Of Those With Autism: Everything

Life with autism is an uphill battle fraught with limited supports and financial worries.

December 22, 2008

Early Intervention On Hold

In spite of a requirement under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act that children with disabilities receive early intervention services in a timely manner, hundreds of Nevada children under age 3 are not getting any of the services they need. The reason: money.

December 22, 2008

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SNL Skit Sparks Controversy

A Saturday Night Live skit depicting New York Gov. David Paterson, who is legally blind, as aloof sparked criticism from the governor who said the skit inappropriately suggested that people with physical disabilities are not capable of being serious and holding real responsibilities. So, did SNL go too far?

December 22, 2008

Soldiers Become Lobbyists As Autism Strikes

Autism occurs in children of members of the military at nearly twice the rate of the rest of the population. But when it comes to obtaining services, soldiers are having a rough time.

December 22, 2008

Time-Out Rooms: Helpful Or Harmful?

Four years after a Georgia boy hung himself in his school's time-out room, the state is finally drafting guidelines for how such rooms should be used. Though the rooms are intended as a last resort, guidelines exist in just about half the states and researchers say the rooms can be misused, leaving students to suffer the consequences.

December 22, 2008

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