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Stories from October 2010

Special Education Attorney Convicted Of Defrauding Parents

A Washington, DC area man who billed families thousands as a special education attorney despite not having a valid law license, was convicted this week on several counts of fraud.

October 29, 2010

Behavior Specialist With Bogus Credentials To Serve Prison Time

A New York woman who used fake credentials to work as a behavior analyst is headed to jail after charging a school district over $150,000 for services she was unqualified to provide.

October 29, 2010

Watch-Like Device Helps Monitor Stress, Prevent Meltdowns

A new device designed to measure stress levels in individuals with autism is showing promise for researchers, therapists and parents alike who are looking to mitigate meltdowns.

October 29, 2010

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Homeless Shelters Suggested As Option For Adults With Disabilities, Parents Say

Some Indiana state workers suggested dropping adults with developmental disabilities at homeless shelters if they cannot be cared for at home, state legislators were told this week.

October 28, 2010

Apple Puts Spotlight On Disability Offerings In App Store

Apple is highlighting a growing number of apps catering to individuals with special needs with a featured special education section in its App Store.

October 26, 2010

Pressure Mounts To Include Special Needs Benefits In Insurance Coverage

Disability advocates want autism therapies and a handful of other items included in a menu of "essential benefits" now being established by federal health officials under insurance reform.

October 26, 2010

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Disability Group Comes Out Against Restraint, Seclusion Bill

At least one disability advocacy group is now opposing a bill in Congress that they once championed after changes would allow restraint and seclusion to be included in students' IEPs.

October 26, 2010

Obama Administration Urges Schools To Take Action On Bullying

Bullying on the basis of disability and a slew of other factors is not only wrong, federal officials are reminding educators, but in many cases it's also against the law.

October 26, 2010

Autism Rate May Be Leveling, Study Shows

After rising inexplicably for years, the rate of schoolchildren with autism may be stabilizing, new research suggests.

October 25, 2010

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Jenny McCarthy Would Pose Nude To Support Autism

Celebrity autism advocate Jenny McCarthy says she would consider baring all yet again -- so long as her fee benefits autism.

October 22, 2010

Education Department Staying Out Of Restraint, Seclusion Debate

The Department of Education's top special education official said Friday that the department has no position on whether or not restraint and seclusion should be included in students' IEPs.

October 22, 2010

District Sues Parents To Recoup Special Education Legal Fees

A Texas school district is taking a hard line against a family who brought legal action over their child's special education program -- the district is suing to recover legal expenses.

October 22, 2010

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