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Stories from May 2011

Disability Advocates Call Out Facebook Over Offensive Pages

A group of disability advocates is charging that Facebook is turning a blind eye to profiles and pages on the social network that they say are offensive to people with disabilities.

May 31, 2011

‘Dumb’ Comments Land Special Educator In Hot Water

Parents are fuming after finding out that a special education teacher posted comments online that appear to demean her students with disabilities.

May 31, 2011

Feds Look To Tackle Low Disability Employment

In an effort to help more people with disabilities land jobs, officials at the Labor Department said Tuesday that states can compete for a share of roughly $20 million in new federal funds.

May 31, 2011

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Better Services Prompt Families To Move

As some states weigh trimming services for individuals with disabilities, an increasing number of families are choosing to relocate in search of greater supports.

May 31, 2011

Groups Split On Plan To Extend Autism Act

Congress is moving forward with efforts to renew key autism legislation, but some advocates aren't happy charging that a proposal this week does nothing more than maintain the status quo.

May 27, 2011

School Head Strikes Deal Over Shock Therapy Incident

The founder of a controversial school for those with disabilities that uses electric shocks will resign and begin five years of probation under an agreement with prosecutors.

May 26, 2011

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‘Glee’ Stars Take On R-Word In New PSA

Jane Lynch of Fox's "Glee" is speaking out against use of the word "retard" in a hard-hitting public service announcement that's airing on broadcast networks and cable channels nationally.

May 25, 2011

Scientists Find Commonalities Among Autistic Brains

The brains of individuals across the autism spectrum are strikingly similar to each other, yet they look dramatically different from those of typically developing people, researchers say.

May 25, 2011

Technology To Replace Caregivers Under Medicaid-Approved Plan

A new program will offer people with developmental disabilities the option to have remotely monitored cameras installed in their homes as an alternative to traditional in-person supports.

May 25, 2011

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Social Security Commissioner Acknowledges Flaws In SSI Program

The head of the Social Security Administration is admitting that there are serious problems with a program his agency oversees that provides benefits to children with disabilities.

May 24, 2011

State Spends $16 Million On 14 Institution Residents

Advocates are scratching their heads after Massachusetts spent $16 million last year to care for just 14 residents at a state institution for those with developmental disabilities.

May 24, 2011

NFL Player Takes Girl With Disability To School Formal

A West Virginia eighth-grader with spina bifida became the star of her school dance last weekend when she brought along a special date: a newly minted NFL player.

May 24, 2011

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