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Stories from July 2012

Feds Make Dent In Hiring Goal

The nation's largest employer is making progress in hiring people with disabilities but still has a way to go toward fulfilling a plan calling for 100,000 new hires in five years.

July 31, 2012

Should IQ Decide Who Gets Services?

In many states, eligibility for disability services is largely defined by whether or not a person scores 70 or below on an IQ test. But a panel of judges is now questioning the practice.

July 31, 2012

In Twist, EEOC Accused Of Disability Discrimination

The federal agency tasked with ensuring that workers are treated fairly is facing allegations that it discriminated against one of its own.

July 31, 2012

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Families Happy Despite Severe Needs

Even with the severe disabilities associated with two rare chromosomal disorders, a new study finds that parents raising kids with the conditions say the experience is positive.

July 30, 2012

For People With Disabilities, Words Matter

When a reporter described someone as a "nut case" on national radio not long ago, she got an earful. And for good reason say people with disabilities and their allies.

July 30, 2012

Disability Treaty Moves Forward In Senate

An international disability rights treaty won approval from a U.S. Senate committee Thursday, opening the door for the full body to vote on whether or not to ratify the measure.

July 27, 2012

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Special Education Funding May Drop $900 Million

The nation's top education official is warning that special education programs across the country will face "devastating" budget cuts next year unless Congress acts.

July 26, 2012

Census: More Americans Have Disabilities

As the U.S. marks the 22nd anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act, new Census data indicates that the number of people with disabilities is on the rise.

July 26, 2012

Network To Examine Disability In Film

A month-long film series on cable this fall will focus on people with disabilities as portrayed by Hollywood.

July 25, 2012

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Swimwear Designer Plucks Model With Special Needs

In what's believed to be a first, a Miami girl with Down syndrome is the new face of a major fashion designer's ad campaign.

July 24, 2012

Desperation Cited By Mom Who Abandoned Teen With Disability

An Illinois mom who abandoned her daughter with developmental disabilities at a Tennessee bar said she acted out of desperation after trying for years to place the teen in a group home.

July 24, 2012

College Urged For ‘Glee’ Character With Down Syndrome

When students on Fox's "Glee" graduated this season, many considered college. Now a Twitter campaign is calling on the show's writers to make the same plan for a character with Down syndrome.

July 24, 2012

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