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Stories from October 2012

Athlete With Disability Leads Sports Illustrated Contest

He made national news in his bid to play high school sports and now a teen with Down syndrome is in the running to win $25,000 from Sports Illustrated for his plight.

October 31, 2012

In First, Autism Therapy Alters Brain Activity

An innovative early intervention approach may be doing far more than helping children cope with autism. New research suggests that the behavior therapy is actually modifying brain development.

October 30, 2012

Special Educators Call For Leeway In Judging Performance

With increased focus on teacher performance, a leading group of special educators is warning that assessing the work they do in the classroom requires a more nuanced approach.

October 30, 2012

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Ann Coulter Not Sorry For Using ‘R-Word’

Conservative commentator Ann Coulter is standing by her repeated use of the word "retard," insisting that she's done no wrong and will continue to use the term.

October 29, 2012

NIH To Launch Down Syndrome Registry

A first-of-its-kind national registry is in the works to help connect people with Down syndrome and researchers studying the chromosomal disorder.

October 29, 2012

Autism Speaks Looks To Commercial Market

The nation's largest autism organization is launching a secondary entity with an eye toward bringing everything from medical innovations to apps for those on the spectrum to market.

October 26, 2012

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Statue Of Liberty Gets Accessibility Upgrade

After a year of renovations, the Statue of Liberty is set to reopen this weekend and it's poised to be more disability-friendly than ever before.

October 26, 2012

Study: Republican Plan Would Chop Medicaid By $1.7 Trillion

Medicaid is a lifeline for many with disabilities, advocates say. But a new report finds that GOP proposals to alter the program would lead to significant funding cuts and fewer people served.

October 25, 2012

Ann Coulter Slammed For Using ‘R-Word’

As the presidential campaign hits fever pitch, conservative political commentator Ann Coulter is taking heat for her repeated use of the word "retard."

October 24, 2012

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Play Offers Candid Look At Parenting Those With Autism

A personal take on living with a teen who has autism is front and center in a new off-Broadway play that's garnering rave reviews.

October 24, 2012

George Clooney Takes Man With Cerebral Palsy Under His Wing

An aspiring actor with cerebral palsy is getting a helping hand from none other than George Clooney.

October 23, 2012

Voting Rights Denied To People With Disabilities

With just two weeks before election day, laws in more than half of states mean that some people won't be able to cast a ballot simply because they have a disability.

October 23, 2012

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