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Billions Are Spent On IDD Services Annually. Where Does It All Go?
The federal government spent $80.6 billion to support people with intellectual and developmental disabilities in 2021 alone. A new report breaks down where it went.
State Protection And Advocacy Organization Under Investigation
An organization that serves as the watchdog for how one state treats people with disabilities is under federal review after a series of complaints.
Man With Disability Made To Leave His Seat At Raffi Show
Stefan Burn was excited to see Raffi, but before the show could start, he and his parents were told that the children's singer would not perform unless they moved from their front-row seats.
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Home Depot Tweaks Hiring Process To Aid Those With Developmental Disabilities
One of the nation's largest retailers is teaming up with disability advocates to make its hiring procedures more welcoming toward job applicants with disabilities.
Survey Finds Broad Dissatisfaction With Disability Representation In Movies, TV
Hollywood could get a major boost if film and television shows paid more attention to depictions of disabilities, data suggests.
Inclusive Playgrounds Allow Children Of All Abilities To Play
While many playgrounds have at least some inclusive components, advocates and parents of children with disabilities are pushing for more play spaces to be entirely friendly to those of all abilities.
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Feds Weighing Changes To Subminimum Wage Program
Federal officials are rethinking the government program that allows people with disabilities to be paid less than minimum wage, with a new proposal expected soon.
For Students In Special Ed, Transitional Schools Bridge Gap Between High School And Employment
The schools provide a bridge from school to the workforce through specialized instruction, social-emotional learning and opportunities to complete paid work at local companies.
Study Warns Against Too Much Autism Intervention
When it comes to autism intervention, new research suggests that more may not always be better.
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Medicaid For Millions In America Hinges On Systems Plagued By Errors
The technology has generated notices with errors, sent Medicaid paperwork to the wrong addresses and been frozen for hours at a time, according to state audits, court documents and interviews.
Microsoft Settles Allegations Of Disability Leave Discrimination
Microsoft will pay a $14.4-million settlement after being accused of retaliation and discrimination against workers who take parental or disability leave, or leave to take care of a family member.
Supreme Court Ruling May Upend Disability Rights Protections, Advocates Fear
Countless federal regulations ensuring the rights of people with disabilities could face legal challenges after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned a 40-year-old precedent.